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Sample Syllabi

I currently teach Introduction to American Government, Introduction to Political Science, Con Law (I, II, and III), American Political Development, State & Local Politics, and Gentrification. The syllabi here are samples of my courses and are subject to change. I am always revising, but if you are a student considering one of my courses, feel free to review these to help you make your course selections. If you are a professor looking for ideas, let me know what you end up using and how it works for you. I'm always seeking out new pedagogical tools. 

Intro to American Government

This course gives an introduction to the analysis of American politics. The textbook that we are using takes a historical approach in order to answer both how does American government work and why do we do it this way. Historical development and institutional change are the organizing themes of the book and this course. I have supplemented this book with reading and exercises that speak to our rapidly changing politics, especially regarding American racial politics. This course will prepare you to take advanced courses in the field of American Politics, including American Political Development, State & Local Politics, Constitutional Law (I, II, and III), The Presidency, among many others. See the syllabus.

Con Law III

This course, Constitutional Law III: Civil Rights, examines major decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court in the area of civil rights, particularly those arising under the Fourteenth Amendment
guarantees of due process and equal protection. Rather than taking on the impossible task of dealing with all of the cases and principles the Fourteenth Amendment has spawned, this course is organized with several persistent and important questions in mind: How do we reconcile our commitment to equality with recognition of difference? When does difference lead to discrimination, and when does discrimination warrant government intervention? What groups are eligible for enhanced protection from discrimination and why? What answers have judges and legislators proposed to these questions, and how are those approaches influenced by legal, political, and cultural changes? See the syllabus.

State & Local Politics

This upper-level political science course explores essential concepts in state and local politics, with a particular emphasis on the role of federalism and race. Readings are designed to expose students to key concepts in the study of state & local politics as well as to encourage students to think creatively about the politics closest to them. See the syllabus

Con Law I

Syllabus coming

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